Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Teri Pinney

Teri Pinney, assistant principal, tells why she left the school district. She left because of NCLB and high stakes testing and the horrid environment NCLB and high stakes testing creates.

Go to: http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2008/jun/01/teri-pinney-thanks-education-mentality-focused-fca

Pinney ends with, "I believe that misuse or overuse of standardized testing is crating a maddening race for everybody to that elusive finishing line."

Hooray for Teri Pinney. What wise words. 


Anonymous said...

When a scripted program came into my school, back in 1998, I quit. I remember the program: SFA. I remember the date: Dec 8, 1998. I figured, I was in my 37th year of teaching. If I needed a script to teach by then, I shouldn't be there.
Now, the testing is as bad as scripting the teaching.

Why are so few teachers having the courage to stand up and 'JUST SAY NO"?

Hooray for the few, brave ones! We need all the heroes we can get!!! ac

Anonymous said...

I would participate in you poll about student responses to NCLB, but it is two questions and I would answer each differently. Sorry.

Yvonne Siu-Runyan said...

AC is absolutely correct!

As teachers we do indeed to stand up for ourselves or we are doomed.