29 people completed poll re: Who are You?
Results: 24 are educators, 14 are elementary school students, 10 in college or trade schools, 12 parents or have grandchildren. NONE of them LOVE NCLB and high stakes testing. 21 or 72% question the value of NCLB and high stakes testing. Hooray. And 19 or 65% actively work to debunk NCLB and high stakes testing. This is great.
Please let others know about this blog. If they would like to be able to post directly online, please have them contact me, Yvonne Siu-Runyan, at hanalei@indra.com
I can put them on the list of people who can actually post stuff and not only reply to the blogs.
I am Yvonne Siu-Runyan, Concerned Educator, who started this blog. I think it is important that we unite and let others know what we are doing in the effort to bring back reason and light to education.
Do encourage young people to contact me. ALL are invited.
So far 31 people have responded to the statement: The young people I know enjoy high stakes tests and think they provide valuable information about them as learners. Only 1 person strongly agreed with this statement, 3 disagreed, and a whopping 27 or 87% strongly agreed. Hooray.
We need to educate and relay the message that high stakes testing does not add value to the democratic presidential candidate! We don't need any more Halliburtons in education.
Let's use this blog to communicate with one another, the young included.
Lastly, if you are a student in our public schools, your voice MUST be heard. You students matter. Please contact me!!!!
Yvonne Siu-Runyan
1 comment:
kurkjianc said...
I was wondering how we could devise a study in which we could use a blog to collect data on the impact of NCLB from various perspectives.
Perhaps we could devise a methodology with lead researchers in each state. Try to randomize etc- I think a "scientific study" would have more impact in driving policy.
We might collaboratively develop
1)a literature review by posting a bibliography of articles,
2)research questions,
3)a likert scale as well as open ended items, and
4)a pilot methodology- including ways to analzye data
5)and participants to pilot it in their state.
6)identify resources etc to support this research
We would need people who have an expertise in designing such a study to help. This is a great opportunity for young profs. to begin or continue a line of research.
June 4, 2008 5:05 AM
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