Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Connect the Dots!

Here are some links below that explain a little about some of the financial reasons behind NCLB. Come on, you know this law (or any other law for the matter which is passed) was not done for the reasons stated! It's all about the Benjamins, yo!!!
McGraws and Bushes are Skull and Bones. Speaking of Skull and Bones, the last presidential election should have woken up people to the uselessness of voting in national elections. You have no choice! Please DO NOT give money to major elections! Instead donate to charities; or, even better, give directly to families who need help. Political donations are really just corporate welfare-your donated money just goes into corporate coffers through television commercials!
I know Obama has been cleverly marketed as a savior from Bush, but he will do as he is told or he will lose the election or his life!
I still believe it will be another Clinton or Bush monarchy come 2009!
Discuss: Is Doug a conspiracy looney or does he use logic, reason, and facts to come to conclusions which the ministry of information conditions you to believe in order to keep themselves (the ruling elites) in power?

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