Sunday, June 22, 2008


And shame on all of you for daring to question the ruling elite. Who in the world do you think you are - - "we the people"??

My name is Tauna Rogers, a fellow resister. Guess you could say I do my resisting rather quietly because I am in no position to risk my job - that is I work through cyberspace rather than raising much of a stink in my own school district. Yvonne and I have been getting acquainted via email. I'd like to contribute occasionally to this blog as well as introduce you to my blog. Please stop by and comment if you'd like! I try to use a little humor and satire to point out the absurdities and outrages taking place under NCLB and high-stakes testing. And goodness knows we need some laughs now and then under this oppressive and regressive regime.

Keep up the good fight.

1 comment:

Yvonne Siu-Runyan said...

Tauna is right. There is HUMOR surrounding the insanity. I laugh a lot at the insane things going on everywhere I look. Visit Tauna's blog; it is funny and pokes fun at the absurdities of NCLB.
